A chat application built in ReactJS and Firebase. Based on the hit gacha game, Genshin Impact.

A tour agency web application built in GatsbyJS that allows you to book packages, has a blog, and contact form.

A website developed for Cajudoy Construction. Built in Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

A ReactJS App that pulls from an Advice API and generates realistic or comedic advice at the click of the button.

A web application based on the Pokedex using the Pokemon API, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.

A landing page for a fashion shopping site based off the cyberpunk class film, Akira.

I created an aesthetic portfolio template using HTML, CSS, and JS. It is tablet and mobile responsive.

Full-stack developer at Huntington Digital, a marketing company that specialized in doctors. Worked on and maintained their site.

A quick app that emulates the ‘Thanos Snap’ from the popular Avengers movies affecting Los Angeles in 2049. Click the picture of Officer K for him to vanish!

A chat application built in ReactJS and Firebase. Based on the hit gacha game, Genshin Impact.
A tour agency web application built in GatsbyJS that allows you to book packages, has a blog, and contact form.
A website developed for Cajudoy Construction. Built in Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
A recreation of the popular mobile game from the 90’s.
A ReactJS App that pulls from an Advice API and generates realistic or comedic advice at the click of the button.
A Wikipedia Clone on the dark side.
A web application based on the Pokedex using the Pokemon API, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.
A landing page for a fashion shopping site based off the cyberpunk class film, Akira.
I created an aesthetic portfolio template using HTML, CSS, and JS. It is tablet and mobile responsive.
A ReactJS app that uses a recipe API to find ingredients to make dishes.
Full-stack developer at Huntington Digital, a marketing company that specialized in doctors. Worked on and maintained their site.
A quick app that emulates the ‘Thanos Snap’ from the popular Avengers movies affecting Los Angeles in 2049. Click the picture of Officer K for him to vanish!